Our Bloggers

Our blog is another way for us to communicate with our current and future clients, share useful information, give writing advice, entertain, and motivate you. We have a special team of writers dedicated to generating ideas and crafting these amazing blog posts for you.

Find out more about the people behind the blog, their passions, hobbies, and inspiration. Feel free to contact them directly with any questions, or just to say hi!

Stacey Wonder
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Experienced freelance writer and blogger. She loves to eat and can't live without reading and traveling. Whenever she is not writing and has some free time, Stacey watches sci-fi series and looks for new hipster cafes in her neighbourhood.
Haley Osborne
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Educator who lost her passion for teaching and discovered passion for writing. While covering educational and entertaining topics, Haley dreams to publish her own short story collection. Apart from writing she loves cats, live music events and French language classes.
Lesley Anglesey
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Professor and guest speaker at university seminars. Leslie is constantly investi gating new trends in business and marketing to be hip. She loves to read 20th century American literature and bakes the best apple pie in the world.